Monday, September 12, 2011

Why Food and Music?

Thanks for viewing this Blog where I'll share my observations about Food and Music. I'll be sharing some recipes, comments about dining establishments, and how music often plays a part in these experiences.

Music and Food have been constants throughout my entire life.  People come and go for various reasons but what has sustained me since my earliest is my deep connection to food and music. We all have these feelings to a greater or lesser extent and mine are often intertwined. 

In the long defunct but fondly remembered "Howdy Doody Show" music was often incorporated and the Howdy Doody theme song is still remembered by boomers and others with a nostalgic bent. As a member of the Peanut Gallery I and the other 'Peanuts' were compensated for our time by Mars Candy, one of the show's sponsors. It was a toss-up as to which was more exciting...being on the show or receiving a monster bag of Snickers to take home.

Tonight's dinner at home will be simple with a leek and potato soup, simmered in chicken broth and topped with a dollop (I love that term) of sour cream. Fried breaded shrimp sauteed in a mildly hot sauce will complete the meal. 

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